CeL Test Suite

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JavaScript doesn't work or XMLHttpRequest loading error?
You may need to check the configuration of the browser, reload the page, or start from the basic test.

evaluation test
show/run times

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台灣地區縣市加路名 地址/住址輸入表單

🏠 通訊地址
🏦 匯款帳號
🎓 教育程度

attach test:
span: test: input: select: hr:

number(正負整數、分數與小數): in base:
change to base: do
number(整數): base: bits: (正負整數)10
Hamming code
data(/^[01]{,20}$/): code(/^[01]{,20}$/): | show 8 16
| start count

[test suite] log panel:
Page loaded. Initializing the framework. Please wait.. (Update cache) 已載入主網頁。正進行程式初始化作業,請稍待片刻…